"I have been bound to the work of creating a world of peace throughout my whole lifetime. Peace is a thing that ties those that have different thoughts, races and words as one. When I ate, I ate for world peace, and when I drank water, I drank it for world peace."
"Even if my path was blocked by rough mountains or oceans, I shook my flag of peace, not knowing the difference between day and night and mountain paths and ocean paths. Living for peace day and night was not easy, but it was only then that I felt happy."
-From Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Biography "As a Peace Loving Global Citizen"-
"I will expand the foundation to give equal benefits to mankind, making people know the original meaning of heaven and of our Heavenly Parent."
"In order to become a better role model for the people that are investing effort into talented individuals for world peace, we shall become a source of strength to them."
-Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon Foundation Inauguration Ceremony Speech-
The main work of Reverend Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon was the great journey of True Love for the building of a world of peace and the realization of one family under God, and each day was spent with hours and hours of prayer and meditation, while giving inspiration to people in all areas and classes.
Reverend Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon understood that a new era couldn’t be constructed simply by religious revival movements or political and economic crusades; and is therefore, actualizing the ideals of God in the areas of education, idealism, journalism, international affairs, science, relief activities, environment, family, women and adolescents.